Homelessness is not as evident in Albany as the major cities. We don’t have the street present homeless as they or less developed countries have. Homelessness is, however, a big problem in Albany and Shalom does actually do… things. And yes, the homeless in your own town do need your help. The following is a snap shot of the people Shalom helps.

Who we help:
  • So far this year, from May to July, Shalom has given a bed to 23 different men. Last year (as those of you who attended the public meeting would know) we supported 32 men which equated to 375 beds.
  • The average length of stay was close to 9 nights (so not chronically homeless people, just people needing a leg up).
  • The average age was 37 (with the youngest being 18 and the oldest being 64).
  • The main reason they cited for having housing difficulties was ‘Relationship Issues’. This includes family breakdown, parenting issues, isolation form a community and interpersonal difficulties.
Who we aren’t reaching:

Shalom supports men ages 18+ who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our day time services are also open to ANYONE having housing difficulties (this includes women and families). Anecdotal reports from Police and other street outreach programs report there are currently approximately 40+ people living ‘on the streets’. This does not include the numerous individuals living in overcrowded dwellings, sleeping on friend’s couches, sleeping in abandoned houses, camping grounds and inappropriate accommodation.

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