Our Vision
As God is a refuge and comfort to everyone who seeks shelter in Him, we will offer comfort and support to those who have lost this comfort or whom, within the trials of this world, have never found this comfort. God makes no distinction between people and no person’s troubles are so great that they cannot seek comfort from God. At Shalom Inc., we not only seek to provide physical shelter and refuge but also share our belief that there is someone to whom we can turn unconditionally for love and guidance. We believe it is God’s command and our duty to care for God’s creation and those who are in need of care due to difficult life experiences. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus teaches us to demonstrate the same care shown by the Samaritan to the defenseless victim found by the side of the road. Shalom Inc. aims to offer a professional service to people in need of help and support, who find it difficult to thrive in society; to help them fully understand and deal with the issues they face and empower them with knowledge to handle the difficulties of this life.
We understand that homelessness can happen to anyone for any range of reasons. It can be sudden or resultant of a buildup of long term problems. Often, homelessness is the visible ‘tip of the iceberg’ and other associated behaviors such as aggression and addiction are symptoms of underlying feelings of powerlessness and fear of social life. To address these issues, we believe everyone has a right to feel safe, welcome and heard. We treat everybody with respect. We are non-judgmental and non-discriminatory. Shalom Inc. aims to be the safe haven where people can commence a journey to betterment of life without fear.
Relying on God for his blessings, we trust the passion and dedication of our staff and volunteers will help us achieve our goals and vision for the benefit of our target group and ultimately to the glory of God’s kingdom.
To work collaboratively with the disadvantaged and at risk, specifically homeless men, their significant others, industry and other community services to:
- Establish and provide services to disadvantaged or at risk individuals (including the homeless or those at risk of becoming homeless) and/or those who are excluded from their community;
- Identify and promote opportunities that enhance personal development, empowerment and community engagement;
- Share and emulate our Christian beliefs, including the love, comfort and grace of God;
- Raise community awareness of disadvantage, exclusion and homelessness and its consequences for homeless individuals their significant others and the community; and
- Advocate for and represent the interests of disadvantaged, at risk or homeless individuals.
Primary Objective
Through the love of God, to effectively assist disadvantaged people to achieve the maximum possible degree of self-reliance and independence:
- To resolve crisis;
- To re-establish family links where appropriate;
- To re-establish a capacity to live independently;
- To realise the comfort, love and support offered by God; and
- To stimulate/mentor successful integration into the community.
These objectives are achieved and supported by:
- Providing and/or actively promoting access to a range of services/opportunities;
- Providing meaningful methods/processes for stakeholder feedback about services provided; reviewing relevant research, and identifying service gaps; and
- Developing strategic/organisation plans to achieve our mission/aims.
Shalom Volunteers
Organisational Structure Board
- Hans Vermeulen | Chairman
- John Dekker | Committee of Management Contact
- Richard Schoof
- Jack vanDuyn
- Jonathan Waganer
Committee of Management
- Luke Mulder| Chairman
- John Witten|Treasurer
- Alisha deVos| Secretary
- Barry Clay
- Natasha Korthuis
- Gerald Spaanderman
Gerry Vanderwal
Volunteer supervisors
Volunteer supervisors provide support during the hours of 5.30pm-8am for the crisis accommodation. This includes practical support, household maintenance, some mentoring/emotion support.
- Gardeners
- Cleaners
- Shalom Access (drop in) support
- Cooks/meal providers